How to rename a file in Java

To rename a file, we can use File.renameTo() function from package. However, renameTo() function requires a new File object with the new name that we want to name the source file, instead of just passing the new name to renameTo() function.

So, to rename a file, we need to create two File objects, one for the original name and another for the new name that we want.

File file = new File("D:\\alpha.txt");
file.renameTo(new File("D:\\beta.txt"));

If you want to verify the existence of the file before renaming it, you can use File.exists() function. To check if it is a file or directory, you can include File.isFile() function in the condition.

Full Example

package com.techstackjournal;


public class RenameFile {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		File file = new File("D:\\alpha.txt");
		if (file.isFile()) {
			file.renameTo(new File("D:\\beta.txt"));
			System.out.println("File has been renamed");
		} else {
			System.out.println("File doesn't exists");


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