In this post we will see an example on finding the Square Root of a Number. Square Root of a given number n is y, such that square of y is n.
Below is the program to print square root of a given number.
package com.techstackjournal;
public class SquareRootMethod1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double num = 8281;
double sr = squareRoot(num);
System.out.format("Square Root of %f is %.2f", num, sr);
private static double squareRoot(double num) {
double n2 = num / 2;
double n1;
do {
n1 = n2;
n2 = (n1 + num / n1) / 2;
} while (n1 - n2 != 0);
return n2;
Square Root of 8281.000000 is 91.00