Difference Between Constructor Overloading and Method Overloading in Java

In this post, we will discuss the difference between constructor overloading and method overloading in Java.

Constructor Overloading

  1. Writing more than 1 constructor in a class with a unique set of arguments is called as Constructor Overloading
  2. All constructors will have the name of the class
  3. Overloaded constructor will be executed at the time of instantiating an object
  4. An overloaded constructor cannot be static as a constructor relates to the creation of an object
  5. An overloaded constructor cannot be final as constructor is not derived by subclasses it won’t make sense
  6. An overloaded constructor can be private to prevent using it for instantiating from outside of the class

Method Overloading

  1. Writing more than one method within a class with a unique set of arguments is called as method overloading
  2. All methods must share the same name
  3. An overloaded method if not static can only be called after instantiating the object as per the requirement
  4. Overloaded method can be static, and it can be accessed without creating an object
  5. An overloaded method can be final to prevent subclasses to override the method
  6. An overloaded method can be private to prevent access to call that method outside of the class

Articles related to Constructor in Java:
Constructor in Java
Constructor Calling in Java

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