[Solved] How to fix java.lang.InstantiationException

What is java.lang.InstantiationException? A java.lang.InstantiationException is thrown when JVM cannot instantiate a type at runtime. To make this definition more elaborate. A java.lang.InstantiationException can be thrown when you try to create an instance of a non-instantiable type or a legit concrete class without having nullary constructor, dynamically during runtime using Class.newInstance() method. To be more … Read more

Get Environment Variables and System Properties in Java

What is an Environment Variable? An environment variable is a system variable, and any program can access it for various reasons, like locating the path of the program, user names etc., which you would like to make it accessible for all or specific program. An environment variable often named all in CAPS, for example PATH. … Read more

Binary Search

What is Binary Search? Binary search is the fast method of searching for an element in an array. In this approach, we need the array in sorted order. In Binary search, we first identify the center of the array by dividing the array size by 2. Then, we compare the search element with an element … Read more

Linear Search

A linear search is the simplest form of search in an array of elements. We can perform a linear search in three distinct ways based on the order of elements in an array. There can be three scenarios, elements are in ascending order, or descending order, or no order at all. If the array contains … Read more

LCM and GCD of Two Numbers in Java

LCM of Two Numbers in Java Let’s start discussing how to find LCM of two numbers in Java. We can find LCM in 2 ways: (1) by iterating over a loop (2) by using GCD What is the Least Common Multiple (LCM)? Its definition is self-explanatory. If there are two numbers x and y, LCM … Read more